The Friends of St Annes Library KNIT Together group have been working on a project to create tiny garments that can be used for stillborn babies. The project is in support of the charity Lisa’s Star’s, which was set up in the Autumn of 2010 in order to make a difference to those who are unfortunate enough to lose a child prematurely. More information can be found at
The photo show a selection of the cardigans, hats and bootees made by the Friends’ knitters and, below, staff at Blackpool’s Victoria Hospital Maternity Unit receiving them.
The KNIT Together group meets at the Library on the first and third Friday of each month, 10.00 Both novice and experienced knitters are welcome. As well as doing their own knitting, members of the group also undertake various charitable projects. These have included knitting soft woollen toys, called ‘Izzy’ dolls, for children who are victims of war, HIV babies, orphans and those who suffer from plain want. Another project saw the group knitting miniature bobble hats for Age UK, who forwarded them to a juice company for their Christmas promotion. The company paid Age UK for their efforts..
New members are always welcome and also the group would appreciate any donations of knitting wool. More information is available here.