Regular Events

Weekly gardening sessions – please join us

Posted on: June 17th, 2019 by admin


The Garden Gang meets weekly on Tuesdays 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm (unless it’s pouring!) – all equipment is provided.

Apart from the mowing of the grass, which is undertaken by the local authority, the Friends of St Annes Library look after the garden themselves – planting, weeding, pruning, general maintenance, etc. – so the more help the better. If you have any queries please contact Anne Fielding 01253 711123.

KNIT Together

Posted on: July 24th, 2011 by admin

Our Knit Together group meets every two weeks, on 2nd and 3rd Fridays in the month,  in St Annes Library, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm. Both experienced and novice knitters are welcome.

If you enjoy knitting and nattering why not come and join us; or maybe you need a bit of emotional support when it comes to decreasing, increasing or turning a heel!

As well as doing their own knitting, members of the group also undertake various charitable projects. These have included knitting soft woollen toys, called ‘Izzy’ dolls, for children who are victims of war, HIV babies, orphans and those who suffer from plain want. Another project saw the group knitting miniature bobble hats for Age UK, who forwarded them to a juice company for their Christmas promotion. The company paid Age UK for their efforts.

More recently, the group made Worry Monsters. These are used to help children who have maybe suffered from abuse, neglect or other serious problems.  When a worrying or troubling thought comes into the child’s mind they can write it down, or draw a picture, and feed it to their monster – they will often be willing to tell the monster about the worry rather than ty and explain to an adult.

For further information please concat  Anne Fielding 01253 711123.