Latest News

We have a new web site and logo!

Posted on: July 24th, 2011 by admin

If you’re reading this then you will know that we now have a new web site. The Friends thought it was important to have a web presence for lots of reasons – to serve the increasing number of silver surfers, to attract a younger audience, to embrace social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and to reach a wider community.  The site enables us to keep members up-to-date on what’s happening and to view photographs of events, as well as allowing us to make our presence more visible to a wider audience.

We’d love to have your feedback on the site and any suggestions you have for improving it. Please send your comments to

You may also have noticed that some of our forms, posters and other materials now display our new Friends of St Annes Library logo. The logo is based on Thompson Dagnall’s wooden sculpture which stands in the Reading With a View Garden.