FoSAL’s latest gift to the Library Garden was finally unveiled on Saturday 17 November. The Friends commissioned artist Patricia Lee to create an Owl and the Pussycat mosaic to celebrate the bicentenary of author and poet Edward Lear, who also created the children’s poem.
Following the unveiling of the work of art by members of FoSAL, library staff members Stephaine and Sandra performed a reading of the popular poem in front of a large crowd of adults andchildren. Once back inside, the children’s Library was quickly packed with children attending Patricia’s workshops, which saw them making Owl and the Pussycat bookmarks and masks. The children were also able to purchase themed cup cakes, which proved to be very popular.
The event was organised in conjunction with Fylde DFAS (Decorative & Fine Arts Society). During the summer, DFAS organised a series of workshops for both adults and children to design birds for the It’s A Birdie! Community arts
project which celebrated the Open Golf competition. The Library birds were exhibited at various locations throughout St Annes for several weeks during th summer. DFAS used the Owl & the Pussycat event to return these birdies to their owners, together with a certificate of participation,. Any unclaimed birdies are being stored at the Library, so if you wish to claim your birdie please contact the Library staff.
Meanwhile, the hard work of maintaining the garden continues and the Friends have been busy planting hundreds of bulbs. We look forward to seeing their colourful presence in the spring!