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Putting the Garden to bed – Garden Crew get some expert advice

Posted on: September 26th, 2011 by admin

The FoSAL Garden Crew has been getting some expert tuition on how to look after the Library garden’s plants over the winter months. Jim Carey from Myerscough College spent a morning with the volunteers on 24 September advising on all sorts of winter maintenance.

Jim Carey and the gardening volunteers

Each plant was examined carefully to see how it had flourished (or not) since the planting a few months ago. Most are doing well, but next spring some will be moved to a more sunny/shady position as needed. Volunteers also learned about the best time for pruning, splitting plants, taking cuttings and soil analysis.

This was a very informative and fun event. And, of course, as well as gaining knowledge on how to look after the Library Garden, volunteers also took away a lot of hints and tips for their own gardens. Another session has been arranged for next year. Would you like to join us? We do need your help in maintaining and looking after the Garden. Whether you have lots of experience and know-how or are a complete novice, you’re invited to join the Reading with a View Garden Crew

We don’t ask for a lot of your time – every other month you will be asked to help out in the garden for a few hours doing seasonal planting, tidying and watering.

To find out more, call Paula on 01253 720191 or email