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Waking up the garden! Getting ready for summer

Posted on: April 2nd, 2012 by admin

On Saturday, 31 March, the Garden Crew had its third and final garden workshop. Expert advice was provided by Jim Carey from Myerscough College , who spent all morning and part  of the afternoon with the volunteers, offering advice and tips on how to treat the plants and shrubs to get them in tip-top condition for the summer months.

Jim showed us the best way to prune each individual plant, how to take cuttings, how to train the clematises, and much more. Each individal plant was assessed to see how it had fared obver the winter months. Unfortunately, some of the evergreen shrubs aren’t doing as well as expected, given the relaively mild winter we’ve had. It appears that the quality of the soil is poor in some areas of the garden and we were given advice on how best to treat it.

A well deserved lunch break

As usual, this workshop was both informative and fun and we’d like to thank Jim Carey for his help and advice over the last year or so.

As any gardener knows the spring and summer months are the busiest, and the Library Garden is no exception. We do need help in maintaining and looking after the Garden. Whether you have lots of experience and know-how or are a complete novice, please come along and join the Garden Crew.



We don’t ask for a lot of your time – every other month you will be asked to help for a few hours doing seasonal planting, weeding, tidying and watering.

To find out more, call Paula on 01253 720191 or email